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National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 directed the Small Business Administration (SBA) to create a Governmentwide certification program for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses. Effective January 1, 2023, SBA assumed responsibility for certifying Veteran-Owned small firms. If you have questions, please contact SBA at or 800-862-8088. Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. EST to speak to an SBA representative about the Veteran certification program or visit Veteran Small Business Certification.

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Event Detail

National Precision Oncology Tumor-Normal Genomic Sequencing Virtual Industry Day

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announces an Industry Day to acquire information from Contractors with capability and expertise in providing matched Tumor-Normal Genomic Sequencing for human samples. This notice should not be construed (1) as a commitment by the Department of Veterans Affairs to enter into an agreement with any entity participating in the industry day conference, and (2) as a commitment to issue any future solicitation.

Due to COVID-19 limitations, this will be a virtual Industry Day. VA’s National Precision Oncology Tumor-Normal Genomic Sequencing Industry Day will offer an opportunity for Contractors to make a one-hour presentation on their capabilities to provide tumor-normal sequencing as part of standard oncology care.

The presentation focus shall be on capability, capacity, and viability of private industry to provide best business solutions for the enablement of Tumor-Normal clinical next-generation sequencing based tests in standard oncology care at the VA.

The North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) is 621511 Medical Laboratories.

Purpose: To conduct market research and acquire information for a future clinical next-generation sequencing solicitation. Any detailed requirements and instructions will be provided through a formal solicitation; however, Industry Day presentations must cover (at a minimum), the following scope and/or capabilities:

a) Clinical next-generation sequencing based testing (with targeted panels, whole exome and/or whole genome and transcriptome analysis) of human samples with a focus on providing a comprehensive somatic tumor profile as well as germline/hereditary cancer predisposition information utilizing matched tumor-normal samples.

b) Sample requirements (type/amount of sample) for testing as well as secure methods of sample shipping, documentation and return of unused materials.

c) Histopathology review for tumor samples and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic acid (RNA) extraction for both tumor and normal samples with return of any unused materials.

d) Turnaround times for testing and return of results to providers.

e) Delivery of clinical grade patient reports and data return to the VA in structured formats via secure file transfer mechanisms. Data types would include, but are not limited to, BAM files, VCF files, PDF, JSON and/or XML/XMLX files.

Registration Close: March 15, 2021


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Please note: Content on this Web page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or to be a comprehensive statement or analysis of application statures, regulations, and case law governing this topic. Rather, it's a plain language summary. If you are seeking claims assistance, your local VA regional office, a VA-recognized Veterans Service Organization, or a VA-accredited attorney or agent can help.